
(Jigs) The Wandering Minstrel, Fasten the Leggin' - Flute

I heard this set when I joined a session this month.

I played my Gabriel D flute.

(O'Carolan) Henry McDermott Roe - Flute Solo

I learned this tune from "Give it Shtick" by Matt Cranitch.

I played my Gabriel D flute.

(Jigs) Old John's, Princess Nancy - Flute Solo

I learned both jigs at the session.

I played my Gabriel flute that I had received in July.

(Slides) The Hare in the Corn, The Hare in the Corn - Flute Solo

I learned these slides at the session this month. I guess they have the same title. Is that right?

I played my new Gabriel flute.

(Slip Jigs) My Mind Will Never Be Easy, The Cock And The Hen - Flute Solo

I learned this set from my friend. It's from Playing with Fire by Dervish.

I played my new Gabriel flute.

Irish Flute: Steffen Gabriel

I ordered a keyless flute in D from Steffen Gabriel in Feburary, 2013. I received it in July, 2013. So, the waiting time was about 5 months.

It cost 775 euros including the shipping cost.

It is made of Grenadilla. It has a fully lined headjoint.

Because it came here without a case, I bought a pistol case for it recently. It cost 2100 yen.

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Steffen Gabriel's mark


P.S. I sold this flute in 2014.