(Jigs) Bean Chairdin, The Traditional - Concertina
I learned this set at a session in Osaka, Japan a few months ago. The second jig is an Ed Reavy tune.
I played a 28-button Lachenal concertina.
I learned this set at a session in Osaka, Japan a few months ago. The second jig is an Ed Reavy tune.
I played a 28-button Lachenal concertina.
I learned this set from "Bean Chairdin" by Dympna O'Sullivan.
I played my top Lachenal.
I learned this set from my friend last year. I like playing the first tune on the concertina!
I played my special (top) Lachenal.
I recorded this set dance again, using a top Lachenal that I had bought recently.
I learned this set from "Na Fir Bolg" by Jack Talty and Cormac Begley. It's one of my favourite CDs!
I played a top Lachenal that I had bought recently.
I learned this set from "Music for the Sets - the blue book" compiled by David J Taylor.
I played a top Lachenal that I had bought last year.
The concertina that I bought for the first time is a C/G Lachenal anglo concertina. I bought one at the music instrument shop in Dublin (McNeill's Music Shop), when I went there in August, 2001.
Layout : Wheatstone layout
Reedpan : Radial reedpan
Bellows : 6 fold bellows
Ends : Flat rosewood ends
Keys : 30 bone keys
It wasn't very responsive, but it had sweet and soft tone.
I sold it to my Swedish friend after I had bought a Wheatstone concertina.
I bought a C/G Lachenal concertina from Greg Jowaisas in 2016.
Layout : Wheatstone layout
Reedpan : Radial reedpan
Bellows : 5 fold bellows
Ends : Rosewood ends
Keys : 28 bone keys
It's one of earlier Lachenal anglos which have deep reed pans. Greg said he had reduced the height of the chamber walls in the reed pan to improve the response of the reeds.
It has sweet and soft tone like the above Lachenal.
I sold this concertina in 2016.
< Top Lachenal >
I bought an unusual Lachenal concertina from Barleycorn Concertinas in 2015. It's in C/G.
Layout : Jeffries layout (Most Lachenals have Wheatstone layout.)
Reedpan : Parallel reedpan (Most Lachenals have radial reedpans.)
Bellows : 6 fold bellows
Ends : Flat metal ends
Keys : 31 metal keys
Chris says that it's a special model and the best that Lachenal ever produced. He also says that special models were only made in the last couple of years of production.
Lachenal began production in 1850, and ceased in 1936. So, I guess it was made in 1930s.
It's a good concertina. It has good reeds although it uses hook action. I guess it's more responsive than the Wheatstone I used to play many years ago.
In 2016, Greg Jowaisas replaced its old bellows, pads and valves with new ones. He lightened its action and did note adjustments, too.
Thanks to his great work, my top Lachenal became more responsive than before. His new bellows are very good!
I sold this concertina to a good concertina player in 2016. I guess she can play it better than me!