*Ab/Eb Concertina

Setting the Reed and Patching the Gusset Leak

I repaired our Ab/Eb Jeffries concertina last weekend.

1 Settin the Reed

The low F reed on the left-hand side sometimes had stalled on initial button press. So, I increased the gab between the reed tongue tip and the reed frame slightly. Now, it never stalls!


This is the reed pan of the left-hand side. Reeds of low notes are much more difficult for me to set than ones of the high notes.



2 Patching the Gusset Leak

Our Ab/Eb Jeffries has old bellows. I patched a gusset leak using a piece of leather.


First, I patched it from inside the bellows.


Then, I patched it from outside to make sure...



It took a few hours to repair it. Now, it's easier for me to play than before.

Setting the Reed

When I played a Ab/Eb Jeffries concertina, I noticed that the Low F tone in the Eb row on the left hand side wasn't responsive. So, I tried to reset the F reed.


I dismantled the concertina and removed the F reed from the reed pan.



The gap under the reed tongue was too wide.


I reset the reed like this.


Now, the F reed is more responsive.

It took about forty minuetes for me to reset the reed.

Low notes are more difficult to adjust than high notes because reed tongues of low notes are thick and slow to speak!

(Jigs) Mac's Fancy, The Yellow Wattle - Ab/Eb Concertina

I learned this set from a concertina player when I joined a session in Kyoto in May, 2015.

I played a Ab/Eb Jeffries concertina.

(Hornpipes) The Fairies' Hornpipe, Willy Walshe's Hornpipe - Ab/Eb Concertina

I learned these tunes many years ago. You can find them in "Traditional Irish Tin Whistle Tutor" by Geraldine Cotter.

I played a Jeffries Ab/Eb concertina.

(Slip Jigs) Elizabeth Kelly's Delight, The Exile's Jig - Ab/Eb Concertina

I heard this set when I joined a session in Osaka last month.

I played a Jeffries Ab/Eb concertina.

(Jigs) Have a Drink with Me - Ab/Eb Concertina

I played one version twice and then another version two more times. I learned the former version recently.

I played a Jeffries Ab/Eb concertina.

(Barndances) Eddie Duffy's, Eddie Duffy's - Ab/Eb Concertina

I learned this set from my friend last year. I like this set!

I played a Jeffries Ab/Eb concertina.

(Polkas) The Girl I Left behind me, Maggie in the Wood - Ab/Eb Concertina Solo

Another set of polkas from Clare Concertinas by Bernard O'Sullivan & Tommy McMahon.

I played a Jeffries Ab/Eb concertina. I love its sound!

The Congress Reel, Come West along the Road (reels) - Ab/Eb Concertina Solo

I learned this set from Down From Bell Harbour by Chris Droney.

I played our Jeffries Ab/Eb concertina. I love its warm tone!

Junior Crehan's, Junior Crehan's (flings) - Ab/Eb Concertina Solo

I learned this set from The Mulcahy Family. I used to play these tunes at the session in Tokyo.

I played our 38-key Ab/Eb Jeffries concertina.