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The Orange Rouge (set dance) - Bb/F Concertina and C Flute Duet

I learned this set dance from Traditional Irish Tin Whistle Tutor by Geraldine Cotter.

(Set dance) The Orange Rouge by Tomoyuki

My wife played a Jeffries Bb/F concertina and I played a Grinter C flute.

PS : I found two good videos on YouTube. In the first video, they play this tune on the Irish harp and the hammered dulcimer. I love this recording! In the second video, he plays it on the dulcimer (not hammered dulcimer). It's a good recording, too!

« The Rambling Rake (set dance) - Bb/F Concertina and C Flute Duet | Main | Planxty Drury (set dance, O'Carolan) - Concertina Solo »


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